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Guide to Obtaining Price Test Results

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to retrieve and interpret the results of your price testing. By following these steps, you will be able to effectively evaluate the impact of different pricing strategies using Chi-Square independence tests and gain insights into your business decisions.

Step 1: Access Your Price Test

Navigate to the Price Test Page of your dashboard. Locate the specific price test you wish to review. In the last column of the list, you will see a status indicator labeled either Processing or Completed. Click on this status button to proceed to the test results page.

Note: If your status button shows Scheduled, it means your test has not started yet, and you will not be able to access the test result page.

Step 2: Review your price test result

On the test results page, you will find the outcomes of the Chi-Square independence test, which we use to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the outcomes of different pricing strategies. The results will only be displayed once a sufficient amount of data has been collected to ensure accuracy. If a test does not display results, it indicates that the collected data is insufficient for a reliable analysis, and further data collection is recommended.

Beneath the Chi-Square independence test results, a variety of visualizations are provided. These diagrams are designed to help you understand the data distribution, customer behavior patterns, and the overall impact of the tested price changes.


You now know how to access and interpret the results of your price tests using A/B testing methodologies. Utilizing these results will enable you to make data-driven decisions that can significantly impact your business’s profitability and customer satisfaction. We encourage you to regularly conduct these tests and analyze the results to stay ahead in the competitive market.

Happy A/B testing and may your data lead you to better business decisions!